Oct. 23, 2023

Edtech Tool Collection, Tips, and Tricks

Edtech Tool Collection, Tips, and Tricks

GotTechED the Podcast    

Episode 149: Edtech Tool Collection, Tips, and Tricks (One Best Things)

Welcome back to GotTechED the podcast this is Episode 149 called “Edtech Tool Collection, Tips, and Tricks (One Best Things)”. In this episode, we’ll unpack some of our favorite resources and ideas from a recent social media collaboration from Quizizz called “One Best Thing”.  This is another episode you don’t want to miss, check it out!

Segment 1: Updates

  1. Quizizz Online PD  https://twitter.com/KyleNiemis/status/1708914116067287525

Segment 2: Edtech Tool Collection, Tips, and Tricks (One Best Things)  

  1. Brisk Teaching Extension
  2. It uses AI to do 4 things: re-level text from a site; detect AI in student writing; create lessons, quizzes, etc from a Doc; and BEST thing- give students student-friendly feedback on their writing (Glow, Grow, Wonder format)
  3. Megan Marcum
  4. Scribe
  5. It is an AI tool that creates click by click tutorials
  6. Ashley Calix
  7. Gold EDU
  8. Gold EDU transforms education and helps educators use technology with pedagogy in powerful ways.  Its an email group with so many great people and ideas 
  9. @MrsHowell23
  10. Quizizz AI Chrome Extension: Create a Quiz from a Website
  11. Turn websites into Quizizz Quiz in seconds! (Brand new)
  12. @kyleniemis
  13. Fodey.com
  14. Create a newspaper clippings with a headline and a story. This can be used as a summary for an article, reading selection, ticket-out-the-door, formative assessment.
  15. Jeannine Enz
  16. DeepL
  17. It allows excellent translation on websites with a simple right-click
  18. Jessica Adams
  19. Phausedu
  20. Website with a collection of resources. Presentations, and blog entries
  21. @phausEDU
  22. Canva Whiteboards Magic Switch into Canva Docs
  23. Organize meetings, brainstorm sessions, and student group work into a Canva whiteboard and then use Magic Switch to automatically convert that information into a Canva doc
  24. Youtube ad-blocker shortcut
  25. Add _popup after watch in the youtube url

Segment 3: Where to Find GotTechED

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  9. Write us an Apple Podcast Review!
  10. Tell your friends about www.gotteched.com
  11. Tell your friends about the Teach Better Podcast Network

Music Credits:

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Need a Presenter?

As experienced presenters and content creators, you can contact Nick and Guise to speak at your school, event, or conference. They can customize a workshop that meets your organization’s unique time and content needs. While no topic is out of bounds, GotTechED is best known for sessions on:

  • AI For Teachers, Admin, and Parents
  • 1:1 Chromebook Integration
  • EdTech Throwdown
  • TargetED Learning
  • Gamification (Badge Systems)
  • Game-Based Learning (Escape Rooms, Amazing Race, and more)
  • Google apps and extensions
  • Personalized learning and Choice Boards
  • Teacher productivity (Lesson Planning, Online Grading. and Feedback)
  • Digital content creation
  • Student Podcasting
  • Screencasting
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Student-Centered Learning