Nov. 28, 2022

Social Justice, Manhood Development & Agriculture With AJ Simmons EP 229

Social Justice, Manhood Development & Agriculture With AJ Simmons EP 229

If I was writing the book on SEL Implementation K…

If I was writing the book on SEL Implementation K-8 would be dedicated to skill building, High School would begin application of skills through CTE, in Episode 229 we explore Aj Simmons work in Higher education in the career services department, as well as his passion serving young men through agriculture. 6:14 - Making diversity, equity, inclusion & accessibility a priority in career services 8:02 - What’s the time commitment of a peer professional skills 10:21 - Success stories from peer professionals 14:48 - Developing community through agriculture 19:44 - 7,000 square foot urban farm 22:38 - Intergenerational opportunity