Feb. 6, 2023

Whole Learning With Jen Perry Of Edmentum EP 234

Whole Learning With Jen Perry Of Edmentum EP 234

What does it mean to be a whole learner? Edmentum…

What does it mean to be a whole learner? Edmentum is one of the oldest ed tech companies celebrating 60 years! Director of Whole learning joins the Dash to talk about Edmentums tools like Reading Eggs, Apex & Study Island. We’ll also explore her journey though elite institutions, and historically marginalized communities. 1:29 - How non-traditional experience prepared a whole learner mindset 6:58 - Creating a Whole Learner Curriculum 13:35 - Emotion Matters and Informs Pedagogy 17:34 - Defining engagement 20:00 - Research process 26:37 - What’s next in education