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If you are a Tech Coach or Integration specialist whatever you’re title is - if your job is to support teachers with technology this is the podcast for you. Every time I listen to it I get great ideas and the weekly meet ups is so great because I’m a new tech coach and building my professional learning network is so important right now. Thank you so much for this wonderful podcast!

Tons of great content, lots of ideas!
I've been listening to this podcast for over two years and continue to learn new things about what is going on in education today. I'm impressed with the self-less nature of Jeff - and of his podcast guests - who do this because they genuinely care about the education and welfare of their students. This podcast is a source of inspiration for me and is a reliable source for ideas and information on the use of technology in the classroom. I have greatly enhanced my own presentations with what I have learned! What a terrific resource for teachers and educators in all strata of the educational system! I have to say that as I have listened to this podcast - and my awareness of the current status of education in America has increased - my faith has been restored in the education system in this country. I have always respected teachers for what they have to do to make their students experience the best possible (and how difficult that has been, and can be)...but that repsect has increased exponentially as I listened to what so many of them are doing - mostly on their own time, and sometimes, at their own expense - in and out of the classroom on behalf of the students and their families. Granted, things are far from ideal (in America's education system, in general), but with people like Jeff, and those who appear and contribute to this podcast, our students will truly benefit from their time in school. Well done, Jeff! I will certainly continue to tell educators (and parents!) that I meet about TeacherCast! Stellar!!

I always get something...
I've been listening for a few months now, and I always hear about great uses of technology in the classroom. Jeff and colleagues LOVE sharing information, and provide thorough, pertinent and timely advice to any educator who wants to use technology in a better way in her/his classroom. Keep a note-taker on hand while listening; you’ll never remember all they share.

Great practical ideas
I regularly learn something that can be applied in my school. The ideas are all practical - they can actually be implemented in a real-life school! Thanks.

Love this series of podcasts. Lots of great ideas and information.

Wow, Wow and did I say Wow?!!!
TeacherCast has opened my eyes and filled me with a renewed passion for the craft of education. This website and App should be required reading/listening for EVERY teacher. Jeff you have done something truly wonderful and SO needed in education. I have stopped doing audiobooks and even stopped listening to music so I could hear these podcasts going to and from work. I would give 10 stars if I could! Brilliant!! Keep up the great work!

Love the ISTE Podcast series
I gleaned so many new ideas listening to Jeff interview both the vendors and conference attendees at ISTE 2012. Lots of new Twitter resources, websites to explore and ideas to implement. Every podcast has multiple resources to investigate and innovative ideas to share with my colleagues.

Has Blown my mind!!!!!
Once I learned that the school I was about to do my student teaching in was becoming a 1to1 iPad high school I went looking for info on how to use it to teach. I wanted to impress my new school and become a resource for them. This podcast has open up so many ideas, learning opportunities, and possible future projects that I now can say my students Will be enriched when I enter the classroom.

For forward thinking teachers.
Jeff and his PLN dive into tackling the important issues of education by approaching each topic from a forward thinking mindset.