Oct. 18, 2023

Ep. 84 - The Self-Made Linguist, My Student...Peter

Ep. 84 - The Self-Made Linguist, My Student...Peter

When my student, Peter, approached me about being a guest on my podcast, I wondered what we would talk about. However, I'm glad we recorded because what we have here is golden. Yes, a lesson in language, but more than that, a lesson in grit, passion,...

When my student, Peter, approached me about being a guest on my podcast, I wondered what we would talk about. However, I'm glad we recorded because what we have here is golden. Yes, a lesson in language, but more than that, a lesson in grit, passion, pursuit of knowledge and independent learning.

This episode will leave you amazed at what a young person can accomplish. If you know people like Peter, be sure to give them the platform they deserve to share the wisdom that lingers just beneath the surface.