Nov. 27, 2023

Ep. 86 - The Circular Economy with Jo-Anne St Godard

Ep. 86 - The Circular Economy with Jo-Anne St Godard

Jo-Anne St. Godard has had a circular economy mindset for decades. A simple Google search and you will see that Jo-Anne has been advocating for an economy that relies less on extraction and new goods from raw materials, and moreso on repurposing...

Jo-Anne St. Godard has had a circular economy mindset for decades. A simple Google search and you will see that Jo-Anne has been advocating for an economy that relies less on extraction and new goods from raw materials, and moreso on repurposing existing materials into a second, third and fourth life. A regular guest on news reports, a speaker at conferences and lobbying the government for a more responsible, lower carbon emitting, circular economy.

Now as the Executive Director of the Circular Innovation Council of Canada, Jo-Anne is one of Canada's leaders in the shift away from consumerism, and is a strong advocate for adding value to what has traditionally been "thrown away".

If you listen to enough of my episodes, you will know by now that I am right there with Jo-Anne. There is no "away", the planet cannot continue to be humanity's garbage can and the oceans our toilet. There are enough materials already made that with some planning and foresight, we can cut down on our selfish use of Earth's resources and make use of what we already have.

I also beleive that the path forward in all of this is education. I'm a teacher and quite possibly you are too. I use my platform to raise awareness and instill a "stop and think" approach to the behaviours of extract, manufacture, transport, use, break, toss and repeat. The solution to all of this is educating the young people and empowerin them with the opportunity to imagine and create the future that they want to grow up in.

Please follow the work of Jo-Anne St. Godard via the website: