Dec. 16, 2023

Ep. 87 - Whale Tales: Unveiling Orca Family Mysteries Through Genetic Analysis with Dr. Isabella Reeves

Ep. 87 - Whale Tales: Unveiling Orca Family Mysteries Through Genetic Analysis with Dr. Isabella Reeves

Dive deep into the oceanic realms as Science 360 brings you this riveting episode. Join me, Tim Stephenson in an engaging conversation with Dr. Isabella Reeves, a pioneering researcher delving into the genetic fabric of orcas.

Discover how her...

Dive deep into the oceanic realms as Science 360 brings you this riveting episode. Join me, Tim Stephenson in an engaging conversation with Dr. Isabella Reeves, a pioneering researcher delving into the genetic fabric of orcas.

Discover how her groundbreaking analysis links orca pods worldwide to a common ancestry, unveiling the intricate history of these marine dynasties. Hear the story of Old Tom, an orca that assisted whalers 100 years ago.

This episode is your backstage pass to the fascinating world of orca genetics and how it connects to your classroom. Get ready for a whale of a time as science takes center stage.

Connect with Isabella at the Cetacean Research Centre, Southern Shark Ecology Group, College of Science & Engineering, Flinders University, Australia.

X: @bellaa_reeves
LinkedIn: Isabella Reeves