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Positive and Hopeful
Lindsay is very authentic, empathetic and realistic in this inspirational and fun podcast! You know that a podcast has ‘staying power’ after 100 episodes!!! I look forward to the next 100, thank you Lindsay!

Refocusing Reframing
Lindsay helps listeners to focus on what really matters. Her catchphrases reframe situations I find myself in and help me pivot to think about what I can do to maintain my own wellness and determine what my journey in education will look like rather than what I “should” be doing. Thank you for this!

Genuine motivation
Define YOU - Lindsay is so genuine and open in sharing her own challenges and goals. She’s not just telling you what to do, she’s living it and owning it. An awesome must listen podcast for anyone trying to be the best version of YOU

Thank you
I am listening to your podcast about burn out. When you said that your two focuses are love and hope, I subscribed to the show. This was inspiring and helpful. I also feel my values align with what you discussed. Thank you for sharing your experience and your philosophies!

Great Podcast!
Such great information on this episode. Too often I have blamed my failure or shortcomings as an educator on what I was not given by someone else. This episode is a great reminder that I make my own success and I have to ensure I have all of the tools and information I need to be successful. I have the power! Thanks Lindsey for the reminder!

Great show
Loved this episode