Jan. 29, 2024

11 - BONUS EPISODE - Intentional Assessment

11 - BONUS EPISODE - Intentional Assessment

In this bonus, solo episode Shannon shares how intentionally using standards-based grading and learning is what actually changes how students view proficiency levels.
Link to resource mentioned: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pmdtv9673rke0fu2s4hz6/En...

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The Embrace the Messy Podcast with Shannon Schinkel

In this bonus, solo episode Shannon shares how intentionally using standards-based grading and learning is what actually changes how students view proficiency levels.

Link to resource mentioned: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pmdtv9673rke0fu2s4hz6/English-8-Writing-Rubric-Embrace-the-Messy-Podcast.docx?rlkey=w70iupy699pzo437gaofvzo4d&dl=0


Have a suggestion for someone Shannon should interview, a question about an episode, or some feedback about the podcast, email Shannon here: embracethemessypodcast@gmail.com


Thankyou for listening! Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss an episode.


Shannon's blog can found here: www.mygrowthmindset.home.blog

Shannon's Facebook groups:

-Beyond Report Cards (for educators who use the British Columbia curriculum)

-The Humanities Zone (for any educator who teaches Social Studies or English)

Shannon is on Twitter (X) and Threads : @DramaQueenBRC