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Awesome Information
For the educator looking to make a more wide spread difference and create a brand to help other educators across the country, this is the information you need to hear on how to put yourself out there. Jeff gives practical, easy to understand tips to help you in promoting your educational expertise!

Invaluable resource!
This podcast is essential listening for any educator, not just technology coaches! I have gotten so many ideas and tons of inspiration from both the hosts and guests. They really cover everything! I even went back and saved a ton of past episodes that I want to listen to! Thanks for the great content and I really encourage others to tune in :)

Great guest and discussions
Jeff is an outstanding interviewer and hosts a great show! The wide variety of guests and topics on teachercast makes this a great show!

Update rocks
The website update is outstanding and I love hearing your voice share your meta thoughts around the design and development. I love hearing from you, so keep on doing a few solo shows!!!

Hugely informed and supportive of teachers.
I don’t know how Jeff makes the time for this empire of his, but he’s putting together amazing information to help teachers out. Information from A to Z on EdTech and teaching, it should you your go-to resource. Great stuff!

A wealth of knowledge
I got the honor of hearing this gentleman speak in person and he knocked my socks off! Jeffrey Bradbury is clearly an innovator and a mover and shaker in the educational technology world. Subscribe to his podcasts and visit his website!

Great information
Great podcast with a lot of valuable tips for educators!

Connected Educators Must
Jeff has been so accommodating and welcoming as he helped introduce me into the world of connected learning and podcasting. The team at go above and beyond for their listeners and make the live shows engaging and fun to listen too. I learn so much each time I listen or watch a new podcast. I wish there was more time in the day to listen to them all! If you want to grow as a learner and an educator, you should be plugged into's channels. Cheers and Thanks!

Love TeacherCast
If you're looking for great educational resources, look no further than the TeacherCast platform created by Jeff Bradbury. Jeff has a passion for helping others and his podcasts and resources are simply amazing. I'm a big fan!

Very Informative
I love this podcast and I’m so grateful that it is in iTunes since I can’t make the live shows. The topics are timely and appropriate for K-12 educators. The information is always useful.

Technology Integrationist
I learn so much from this team. I always take what I learn and teach other teachers. This is a valuable resource that we are lucky to have!

Great site for help
Site is really good quick place to find help for teachers. Podcasts are usually short and I have found have the exact information needed. Thanks.

Must Listen Resource
TeacherCast podcasts and all Jeff’s associated resources are incredibly helpful. What impresses me so much is how Jeff manages to reach various levels of intricacy so effortlessly. He shares his wealth of knowledge which is very inspiring. Educators, and those interested in technology in general would do well to peruse all the episodes here in TeacherCast Broadcast Network!

Grad Student Necessity
I recommend this podcast as one of the resources for the professional learning networks (PLNs) that my graduate students create each semester. Homework each semester is to listen to one podcast and reflect on its importance in their BLOGs. This is such a great teaching/learning resource.

The Teachercast network is an amazing resource for educators throughout the world.

Incredible Resource! is an incredible platform of resources for educators. Jeff is an insanely energetic and fabulously creative moderator and mentor! Keep up the awesome work!

Great Podcasts
One of the biggest challenges to adopting tech is getting to know it. Jeff humanizes tech through his discussions and interviews. This work builds community through support. Thanks for the awesome ideas!

Amazing Resource
I have learned so much from them. A great PD tool on a variety of topics.

TeacherCast Podcasts = Terrific!
If you are an educator looking to ramp up your knowledge in current trends, there's no better place to go than TeacherCast podcasts! (with the exception of course being the TeacherCast app or website!!!) So informative, so helpful, and a wealth of insight! A great place to learn new EdTech tools, and to build your PLN (Personal Learning Network)! Top notch!

Always something new!
There are always new topics and episodes uploaded. So much that I just can't keep up and that's okay! You can subscribe in iTunes and/or download the app.

Great info for educators!
The TeacherCast podcasts are really helpful. They summarize important information and tips into a podcast lasting between 15 and 30 minutes. In many cases I found myself taking notes so that I could follow up later and listening to the podcasts almost always led me to looking for more information online. I really appreciate these podcasts! Keep up the good work!

Outstanding podcasts!
These are my favorite educational podcasts simply because they so timely! Jeff does a great job of getting experts in the educational field together to talk about issues that relevant to teachers right now. Whether it be podcasts for administration, teachers, the techies of the group, Jeff's ability to get them together and keep them focused is tremendous! I'd highly recommend this podcast for all in the educational field!

Educators Goldmine!
If you are an educator looking for some great PD on demand using 21st century technology, then this app is for you. App features podcast by educators from all over who speak on a variety of topics using mobile devices, 1:1 iPad initiative, free web2.0 tools in the classroom and much more. I give this app 5 stars for its superb content and speakers!

Amazing podcast for educators
The first podcast I listened to was on edcampNYC... It inspired me to start planning the first edcamp buffalo (@edcampbflo)! I now listen to it on my way to work in the morning!

A Great Listen!
It really has helped me develop as a teacher!

Great Resource!
As one who listens to many podcasts on the way to work, I was thrilled to find TeacherCast since it is one of the few 'teacher' podcasts that maintains relevant releases. Jeff is knowledgable about what is going on in todays schools and has knowledgable guests on to help discuss the various topics presented on the show. I am enjoying working through all the back episodes, and definitely look forward to the upcoming new episodes. Thanks for a great resource that I will share with co-workers. Highly Recommended!

This is an excellent opportunity for educators to get some Professional development at their finger tips. Teachercast is a great resource for educators, and Jeff is absolutely great!! Check out all that teachercast has to offer.

Inspiration to my Ears
TeacherCast is an amazing resource for teachers to become inspired, get creative ideas, and learn about innovative techniques I love the variety of content and that it's delivered from the voices of those 'in the know' - not someone in an office building but rather those living it everyday!

A must for any plugged in educator.

TeacherCast Podcasts are a Valuable Tool
Jeff Bradbury is on to something amazing with the TeacherCast Podcasts. Cutting edge educational technology and pedagogy are shared by some of the best people in the business. Great for the car or on the go. Thanks for such an excellent PD resource.