April 15, 2024

Education, SEL, & Sports

Education, SEL, & Sports

In this 15th episode, I am joined by Mitch Lyons. Mitch is the founder and retired president of two nonprofits: The Social Emotional Learning Alliance for Massachusetts (4,500 members) that is now being copied in 22 states under SEL4US.org; and GetPasychedSports.org that advocates, through its initiative EndAbusiveCoaching.org, for public school athletics to teach written research-based skills where the coach is a facilitator and students have significant voice in the operation of the team. 

Having coached at every level of youth sport (community, travel, AAU, boys and girls high school basketball and D.3 college), Mitch speaks from personal knowledge acquired in 26 years of coaching. He has conducted workshops on educational athletics to teams for a decade.

Enjoy this episode.