May 5, 2024

Music Teacher Dilemmas - Why do Specialists Get No Respect

Music Teacher Dilemmas - Why do Specialists Get No Respect

On this episode of Music Teacher Dilemmas, we delve into 

The Questions:

  1. Something I have come to notice at my school is our students give more respect to their classroom teachers than they do the “specials” teachers. I know they are spending more time with their classroom teachers but I don’t feel as a specials teacher we should be disrespected. Is this something other people deal with too? If so, how do you make the situation better?
  2. Beth - In the middle of a "favorite songs" unit with my 3rd/4th graders.  I figured if we're incorporating some of their favorite songs, I would throw in some of mine, too. Played some Alanis Morissette for them today and was told "this is old lady music" and "she sounds like a knock-off Taylor Swift". Oh man - I don't take much a third grader says too seriously, but those comments hurt!!
  3. Does anyone know of some engaging ways to incorporate watching a musical during music class? But also keep the students engaged during and not talk during the movie. I’d like for my students to watch a rated G musical and complete something with it. Has anyone done something like this before?


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