May 29, 2022

Season 2, Episode 12 - Principal Murray Kitteringham

Season 2, Episode 12 - Principal Murray Kitteringham

Join Adam & Jeff as we continue Season 2 with the Principal Sir Joseph Banks HS in Sydney, New South Wales. Murray is a Choice Theory Instructor, dedicated to ensuring equity in outcomes for all. 

Leadership Journey

800 students in his high school currently. 

Started in a performing arts HS.

A significant other tapped him on the shoulder to encourage him to pursue a lead teacher position and other positions grew from there.

Didn’t aspire to be a principal.

Outgrew his teaching role.

All of the roles led to this role at Sir Joseph Banks HS.

“Sometimes people see something in you that you don’t see in yourself”

“We need to start with the heart, the relationship”

When he was hired, he was charged with making his school a “School of Choice” - kids were clamoring to get out at the time

Bus drivers were passing by students with their school uniforms.

How do you help a new employee understand the culture of your organization/ How do you hire teachers?

Identify people’s areas of wisdom & strengths

Teach the values that we want to see every day

Our words are very impactful - we need to choose them wisely

Lots of different cultures - 29 different cultural groups

Our teachers are really skilled at tapping into children’s cultural needs & backgrounds

New staff begin with choice theory.

Leadership Challenge/Opportunity

Continuity of Learning - ensuring every student had a device

Flipping lessons online - staying innovative, ensuring kids want to learn, stay motivated.

“Every student leaves one foot into the future.”


Future for our students. Creating better versions of themselves.

For the future - 100% feel fully equipped.


Murray on Twitter



Dr. Jeff Prickett

Adam DeWitt


Dr. Jeff Prickett

Adam DeWitt


Principal Leadership Lab

Dr. Jeff Prickett

Adam DeWitt