June 13, 2022

Season 2, Episode #13 - Dan Wolfe

Season 2, Episode #13 - Dan Wolfe

Join Adam & Jeff as we chat with Assistant Principal and new author Dan Wolfe!

Dan Wolfe has been an educator for almost 25 years; everything from being a classroom teacher, instructional coach, District Curriculum Specialist and an administrator.

Recently wrote first book called “Becoming the Change: Five Essential Elements that Guide Each of Us Towards Becoming Our Best Selves” it focuses on the five elements of Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making. This book allows readers to take a self-assessment on each of these five areas and throughout the book learn strategies to help guide them towards growing in certain aspects within each area. The unique feature of this book is the reader will be able to pick and choose their own pathway in how they use this book as they have the ability to decide at the end of each chapter whether to reread that same section or choose a different chapter to read based on what area they feel they need to work on next. This part of the book is based on the similar style seen in the Choose Your Own Adventure series from the mid 1970’s through the late 1990’s.

Leadership Journey

Got the education bug in HS.

Working with new leaders; principal prep program.

Principal Project using PBIS principles in order to become a principal.

“Never forget where you come from” - important to stay connected to the classroom

“Having a Servant Leadership mindset”

Pre-Show: mentioned that his Supt. wanted him to move schools ½ through the year because of his experience in SEL… how do you prepare for this upheaval/change?

  • Helped write the SEL standards, tapped for his background to more vo another school
  • Everything happens for a reason
  • You have to adapt to the situation

Moving into the AP role - what can new APs do to prepare for the upcoming year?

Self Awareness & Social Awareness - look at these two aspects of SEL and reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses

Do a lot of observing those first two weeks

What top two skills do you recommend that new educational leaders need to have at the ready?

Remember where you came from and keep a servant leader mindset.

How do you help a new employee understand the culture of your organization/ How do you hire teachers?

Do they have a growth or fixed mindset?  Balance is key.


Hopeful for a better tomorrow. “Be the Change”

Socially Aware

Empathy, not Sympathy


Becoming the Change on Amazon

Dan Wolfe on Twitter



Dr. Jeff Prickett

Adam DeWitt


Dr. Jeff Prickett

Adam DeWitt


Principal Leadership Lab

Dr. Jeff Prickett

Adam DeWitt