Jan. 14, 2023

Ep. 72 - A Discussion About Blueshift (Pt 7 of 7)

Ep. 72 - A Discussion About Blueshift (Pt 7 of 7)

I always tell my students that school's greatest purpose is to tell you the questions, NOT the answers. If a student has studied cosmology, they have become an interesting person that can now engage in some brilliant conversations and ask probing...

I always tell my students that school's greatest purpose is to tell you the questions, NOT the answers. If a student has studied cosmology, they have become an interesting person that can now engage in some brilliant conversations and ask probing questions. I try to demonstrate that in this episode.

I'm not going to tell you that you now know cosmology or understand the Big Bang. But you do know the major players, and the timeline and sequence of events that lead us to this understanding.

Continue to dig deeper, ask more questions and pursue knowledge. What I've provided you here in this series is just scratching the surface. But now you know where to start scratching.

Notice that I left this episode off with a final thought that seems to beg some more information. Let me know if you want to hear the bonus episode that may explain something about the last comment I made here.

As always, you can find me at astrostephenson11@gmail.com or on Twitter: @astrostephenson